We offer a wide range of professional massage services to suit all your needs.
Swedish Massage
Generally considered the most popular of massage services, a Swedish Massage treatment consists of varying sets of massage therapeutic movements including effleurage (sliding movements), petrissage (kneading movements), friction or rubbing, bending, stretching, and vibrational techniques.
Typically offered at a light to medium pressure, with some deeper strokes in varied areas, a Swedish Massage can increase blood oxygen levels, decreasing muscle toxins, improve circulation, flexibility, and ease muscular tension and back pain. It's a service that leaves you feeling better, relaxed, less stressed, and more physically capable of taking on life's tasks.
Whether you're experiencing pain or stiffness from basic errands, or physically demanding tasks; a Swedish Massage can help invigorate and revitalize your aching muscles. This style of treatment is also safe for prenatal and postnatal clients, along with infants and children; and is also a good massage choice for our elderly or geriatric population. After your initial consultation, your Registered Massage Therapist will customize their service pressure and technique to your specific physical needs.
Therapeutic Massage
A therapeutic massage can encompass many different styles of massage techniques. All can be customized to your current condition and requirements. It can be a lighter touch to a deeper therapy, and is personalized to your unique physical capacity.
Your 1-hour massage includes a variety of therapeutic, deep tissue, sports, and stress-relieving Swedish techniques. The Registered Massage Therapists will cater their treatment to your individual requirements and focus on creating a customized maintenance plan with your long-term health goals in mind.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage involves the applying firmer pressure and slower strokes to reach the deeper layers of muscle, tendons, and fascia. The movements are generally performed with fingers, knuckles, hands, elbows and forearms, and are commonly focused solely on the specific areas of pain and tension. Deep tissue is largely favorable amongst athletes and sportsenthusiasts as it helps release stubborn knots, chronic tension, contracted areas, and adhesions. Its style can also help your muscles and joints to get back their ideal range-of-motion. While some of the treatment may feel similar to a Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage isn't a stronger version, but rather it increases the capacity of a Swedish with its deeper touch. At the start of your massage, a lighter pressure is generally applied to warm-up the muscle. Thereafter the pressure progresses to your level of comfort. Always communicate with your Registered Massage Therapist to ensure the pressure is catered to your personal tolerance. After your massage, you may feel some stiffness or soreness, but it should subside within a day or so. Be sure to contact your massage therapist if you have concerns or if you feel pain after having a massage.
Prenatal Massage
Massage during pregnancy is a safe, healthy, natural, and soothing treatment for women, to be enjoyed during any trimester. Prenatal or Pregnancy Massage is a beneficial way to help with the multitude of everyday aches, pains and general discomforts that may occur during pregnancy. With the extra demand and strains on your muscle and joints, a prenatal massage can help improve circulation, reduce swelling, ease the tension, and help with the pain relief and relaxation needed during this time - while keeping both mom and baby safe and comfortable. It can also help ease emotions caused by these extreme hormonal changes. We offer a personalized treatment with a therapeutic approach to ensure the highest levels of comfort along the way. We have the special ability to treat our mother-to-be either side-lay or supine position Should you have any concerns or prenatal conditions, we recommend you consult with your Medical Doctor, OBGYN or Mid-Wife prior to receiving your first prenatal massage treatment. Take care of you, so you can take care of this other life flourishing within you. Calm the mind, increase energy and relieve discomfort with a much needed Prenatal Massage .
Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic Drainage Massage is a gentle, connective tissue massage technique that accelerates the movement of the lymphatic fluid that bathes the tissues, through the lymphatic system and into the bloodstream. The therapist uses precise, rhythmic strokes. The pumping action of the massage causes small capillaries to open and close, enhancing reabsorption of lymph from the tissues back into the lymphatic vessels.
The lymphatic system is responsible for keeping the connective tissue surrounding cells free from excess water, proteins, bacteria, viruses, inorganic materials, destroyed cells resulting from surgery or trauma, red blood cells, and other dead cells. This technique helps remove toxins, reduces edema or tissue fluid retention, and decongests all lymphatic pathways.
Lymphatic drainage massage enhances immune function, increases tissue metabolism, improves nutrition to the tissues, promotes eliminative functions, establishes fluid balance, reduces pain, and induces deep relaxation. Your Registered Massage Therapist will work with you to individualize this treatment to the specific, targeted area(s) needed. Please note that this is not a relaxation massage, but rather a therapeutic treatment with relaxation benefits. Each session can last between 40-60 minutes depending on the number of items being worked on.
RAPID Release
RAPID NeuroFascial Reset, is a neurologically based, active, therapeutic technique that addresses the central nervous systems role in alleviating tension and restrictions within the body. RAPID is an evidence based manual therapy technique that can be used by all health care professionals to quickly and effectively eliminate pain in their patients.
Some of the conditions that can be quickly resolved with RAPID-NFR include:
Back pain
Shin splints
Shoulder pain
Plantar Fasciitis
Knee problems
Bunions and arthritic joints
Utilizing a bio-psychosocial perspective RAPID addresses the body’s perception of threat and danger. By bringing the brain to safety, most painful conditions and ROM restrictions disappear.
Using nociception and movement, RAPID induces a combination of descending inhibition within the nervous system, and a powerful increase in vasodilation. These together offer near immediate and lasting pain reduction in our patients.
Old injuries no more…
Though many painful conditions appear to have an insidious onset, very often they are a by-product of an old -possibly minor injury where, due to unforeseen factors, full healing was restricted. Biopsies on these areas have shown the tissue to contain concentrations of neuroimmunological factors, or the “chronic artifacts of inflammation”, these once healing cells are now known to be highly sensitizing to the nervous system often causing pain and dysfunction.
By applying RAPID, we can flush these areas, cause an increase in endogenous opioids and cannabinoids as well as create an influx of neuropeptides that are known to destroy these neuroimmunological factors which in turn desensitizes the nervous system.

“Our three month old son was suffering from moderate torticollis. His muscles were so extremely tight in the right side of his neck that he could hardly turn his head to the left. Coline to the rescue! She was gentle and relaxed with him. She explained to me what I needed to do between sessions and we quickly seen a difference. We are very grateful.”
— Sunset Massage Client